Mental Health Focus, where are Resources Going?

When mental health is discussed in government or by educational professionals, it is mainly aimed towards teens. I admit, when we converse about mental health at Rikama Education, I picture a teenager. Even the government has admitted the same with their mental health first aid pledge being applicable for secondary aged pupils only. Why is […]

Are Creative Arts being Squeezed Out of Our Schools?

The education secretary, Damian Hinds, was questioned today by various MPs on the Commons Education Select Committee about a recent survey, which Rikama reported on, finding that teachers in England work the longest hours in Europe however; these teachers are actually teaching for less time than they did 5 years ago. Creative Arts dubbed as ‘not-essential’ […]

Over 8,000 Students with SEND have No Access to Education

A new study has been released stating that over 8,000 children with an education, health and care (EHC) plan are awaiting a provision for a school place. Figures from 2017, show that a little of 4,000 were in this same position; meaning that in as little as two years, students without any access to education […]