Two-in-Five Pupils Unsure on How to Get Mental Health Help

A new report has shown that almost 38 per cent of all aged pupils admitted that they wouldn’t know where to go to access mental health support within school and 52 per cent said that they would not feel comfortable or confident approaching any school staff for help. Statistics have shown that three-in-five young people […]

Mental Health Focus, where are Resources Going?

When mental health is discussed in government or by educational professionals, it is mainly aimed towards teens. I admit, when we converse about mental health at Rikama Education, I picture a teenager. Even the government has admitted the same with their mental health first aid pledge being applicable for secondary aged pupils only. Why is […]

Are Creative Arts being Squeezed Out of Our Schools?

The education secretary, Damian Hinds, was questioned today by various MPs on the Commons Education Select Committee about a recent survey, which Rikama reported on, finding that teachers in England work the longest hours in Europe however; these teachers are actually teaching for less time than they did 5 years ago. Creative Arts dubbed as ‘not-essential’ […]

Social Media is Damaging our Youth

In the age of social media ‘influencers’ and the show that all our youth seem to watch; Love Island; people cling on to knowing everything there is to know about these individuals from where they go on holiday, to their make-up and gym routines. ‘Influencers’ are giving students a ‘warped’ or ‘distorted’ understanding of a […]

Schools are ‘Letting Down’ Bereaved Pupils Throughout the Country

Studies on Pupils released this morning have warned of there being a ‘patchy provision’ for children who have lost loved ones calling on schools to develop clear plans to support children appropriately. It has been reported that schools take a ‘random’ approach to supporting children, some teachers avoiding help altogether afraid that they may make […]