Teens Blame Mental Health Escalation on their School

Figures released today have revealed that 77 per cent of young people who are currently seeking mental health support are saying that their education plays a pivotal role in escalating their needs through the pressure of needing to be successful. Of those young people, half said that they turned to teachers while they were waiting […]

Ofsted Introducing Mental Health Inspections

Under the new inspection regime this year, Ofsted will be checking whether schools have certain systems in place to identify children whose mental health is evident or deteriorating. Ofsted will be utilising these checks in collaboration with local services to see how they respond to children with ill mental health as well as how timely […]

Bullying Cases Rise on Social Media

Jeremy Wright, the culture secretary, has stated that if social media firms such as Facebook and Snapchat do not act against online bullying ‘at the source,’ they could have severe fines or a block on their service. Mr Wright has asked if social media services can provide an easier way to report online bullying as […]

Mental Health Focus, where are Resources Going?

When mental health is discussed in government or by educational professionals, it is mainly aimed towards teens. I admit, when we converse about mental health at Rikama Education, I picture a teenager. Even the government has admitted the same with their mental health first aid pledge being applicable for secondary aged pupils only. Why is […]

Are Creative Arts being Squeezed Out of Our Schools?

The education secretary, Damian Hinds, was questioned today by various MPs on the Commons Education Select Committee about a recent survey, which Rikama reported on, finding that teachers in England work the longest hours in Europe however; these teachers are actually teaching for less time than they did 5 years ago. Creative Arts dubbed as ‘not-essential’ […]