Schools are ‘Letting Down’ Bereaved Pupils Throughout the Country

Studies on Pupils released this morning have warned of there being a ‘patchy provision’ for children who have lost loved ones calling on schools to develop clear plans to support children appropriately. It has been reported that schools take a ‘random’ approach to supporting children, some teachers avoiding help altogether afraid that they may make the situation worse.

1 in 29 Pupils

A huge number of students, unfortunately, experience bereavement for either a sibling or parent; 1 in 29 children, or how most schools are nowadays; 1 in every classroom, based on 30 in a class. A bereavement can lead to an increase risk of mental health problems, in some cases participating in bullying or assaults, or be more vulnerable to bullying themselves.

Although this report states that schools are ‘letting children down,’ it could be that teachers do not get the proper training to appropriately deal with this so I can completely understand them not getting involved. The main aspect that educators need to remember; lend an ear, having somebody to talk to can make all the difference.

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