Over 200,000 Secondary Pupils May Have Been Groomed Online

New research completed by the NSPCC has suggested that over 200,000 young people aged between 11 – 17 had either sent, received or been asked to send sexual content to others using either the internet of various apps. Of the apps, one in twenty-five children using Snapchat, Facebook or Messenger. One in 33 using Twitch or Twitter and one in 50 using Instagram or WhatsApp. What can we do to shelter our children from these?

Big Companies Could be Fined for Millions

The risk that our children and young people are being faced with is not acceptable, firms need to be able to detect these abuses sooner and more frequently. They should be able to detect suspicious behaviour via language and emojis, the fact that any young people must suffer this is completely deplorable.

What do you think about this? What can we do to ensure that our young people and children are safe for the future?

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