Everybody in the education sector is aware that there is currently a recruitment crisis and at this point, doesn’t seem to be getting any easier; even with political parties suggesting they will be recruiting 20,000 plus teachers over the next five years. A new report released today has suggested that a quarter of teachers in the UK, Ireland, Australia and the US will have to move abroad to teach in international schools by 2029; leaving the UK in an even more dire need of educators.
Teachers Needed – 30 Per Cent Teach British Curriculum
International schools are, in particular, very interested in recruited British teachers as 30 per cent of international schools around the world teach the British curriculum whilst A-Levels remain the fastest-growing qualification globally. International studies have been on the high for many years now however there is a fundamental flaw, you cannot continue to grow and educate the world without an efficient and effective service provider.
Have you ever taught in an international school? Or are you working in one right now? What are your thoughts on this?