Pupil’s Background Should be Included in League Tables

In today’s modern education age, league tables are king; although they shouldn’t be. League tables are how schools are graded based on their test scores in various subjects from primary to secondary age pupils however, new research suggests that a pupil’s background should be incorporated into the league tables to explain unfortunate grades.

A Variety of Areas Should be Included

The areas that should be included are: Gender, Age, Ethnicity, Residential Deprivation, whether they are eligible for free meals, whether English is their first language and whether they have special educational needs. If these measures were put in place with all schools and incorporated into the league tables, a lot of schools, mainly secondary age, who are currently ‘under performing,’ would move out of this category.

The DfE have said that the Progress 8 for secondary schools, are a fair measure to help parents chose schools but a lot of officials and headteachers have said that the progress 8 does not reflect the school.

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