Discover Exciting School Jobs in Kent and South East London

Explore a Wide Range of Opportunities, from Primary and Secondary School Jobs to SEN and Nursery Roles, Across Kent’s Leading Educational Institutions.


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About Us

Your Trusted Partner for Long-Term and Permanent School Jobs in Kent and South East London

Rikama Education is dedicated to helping you find your ideal long-term or permanent school job in Kent, whether you’re an aspiring teacher, a teaching assistant, or looking for a role in SEN or mainstream education. Unlike other agencies that focus on short-term placements, we provide stability and peace of mind with positions that offer career growth and a chance to positively impact the lives of young people. Our team of experienced education recruitment specialists offers personalized support and guidance throughout your job search. Whether you’re new to the field, returning to work, or seeking more flexibility, we are here to help you find the perfect role. Plus, we offer a referral program for candidates who recommend successful placements.

Connecting Schools with Exceptional Educators Across Kent and South East London

For Schools

Rikama Education connects schools in Kent and South East London with top-tier education professionals, ensuring every classroom has the right talent to thrive

For Educators

Rikama Education helps candidates find fulfilling school jobs in Kent that match their skills and career goals.


Submit Your CV

Ready to shape young minds? Submit your CV today and let’s find your perfect teaching role in Kent and South East London.